Discover Kesletz House Sibiu​

Discover unparalleled luxury in our 4-star rooms at Kesletz House. Immerse yourself in modern elegance with premium furnishings, high-tech amenities, and a soothing ambiance. Our spacious rooms, complemented by attentive staff, promise a refined retreat for both business and leisure travelers. Welcome to a world where comfort and sophistication converge seamlessly.

our rooms

To book a room you can fill out our form, call us, or book through or Airbnb

Our listings have been awarded as Customer Favorites by both platforms, and we are proud members of the Genius Program from, as well as the Superhost community from Airbnb.

For phone reservations, call us at +40 (752) 077-205, you can also email us at

 or fill out or reservations form here:​

reservations form

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